Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What am I willing to die for

Reason, logic, comprehension, simple terms, understanding. The cause for which I pledge my life contains none of these things. There is no logic in it. There is no sense. There is not even the ability to provide tangible evidence from the past. Many would say I am a fool. And a fool I may be. But there is something deep within me that tells me I am right. There is a little voice calling out that this path I have chosen is the one that will fulfill and sustain. There is an overwhelming passion that tells me I will not always be loved by this world, I will not always be accepted, but that it will be okay. That I will not be agreed with, but that I am right. The majority vote may not go the way I wish, but there is someone looking at the bigger picture that understands how all the cards will unfold, even if I don’t.

I am a Christian.

I believe that I do not understand everything but that there is a God who does and only wants what is best for me. I believe that He is the creator of everything and that He loves you and that He loves me. I do not claim to be better than anyone else because of my beliefs, but rather I try to allow God’s light to shine through me. As a mere instrument of His awesome power, I pray that I am willing to do whatever my God asks of me. I know that on my own I may not have that strength, but I refresh myself in the knowledge that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I take refuge in Him. This is the only way I carry on. He carries me.

Many will not understand this: my willingness to die for a being many do not believe even exists. But it is a faith I trust in. Unless one has had the experience of God’s amazing grace and forgiveness, one cannot fully comprehend it. Even those that have are at a loss for words when trying to explain the overwhelming peace that flows through your mind, body, and spirit when you are awakened to God’s mercy.

I am a sinner and deserve punishment. I deserve hell. But this God loved me so much that He sent His son to die in my place. How is this logical? It isn’t. Why would an almighty God love me, a speck of dust in the unending universe of which He has complete dominion? I do not know. But I thank Him that He does. There is nothing I have that doesn’t come from Him. So I will honor Him with the only thing that I have, my life.

I live for Christ. I will die for Christ. And when I am standing in front of His Father, my God, I will fall on my knees with the knowledge that everything was worth it. There is nothing that can take me from His hand. So I will do all that I can to thank Him and praise Him.

I will die for Him because He died for me.